Friday, October 8, 2021

What's a dad to do?

Sal thought he might drop to the floor and weep. What was his daughter trying to tell him? It couldn't be. Not Jared.

He winced hard, he thought he and that kid had an understanding. Angel was off-limits and yet Jared was the one that would make them a family.

Sal was elated yet horrified. Jared would be his son now.

"You two should -," Sal wanted to say the words 'get married' but he didn't want to set her off. Still, he was going to be a grandpa. He staggard back and reached for his cell phone in his back pocket.

"But Pa?" She looked at him that was no way to approach this situation. She knew what he thought. Marriage was always the answer, but then again, they were talking about Jared.

"Just think about it," Sal knew it was enough just to raise Jared, but still he knew it would be the right thing to do. But first, he needed to make a call.

"Who are you calling?" His daughter almost took the phone away from him. Sal only sighed.

"I have to let Fan know the news. At least about..about the baby?" He wanted to know if Angel was certain. Had she had a check-up? Did he need to go with her?

Naturally, Angel rolled her eyes at this. For a beautiful girl, she did have a mean streak. Yes, her mother was a little like that. It always felt things had to be her way or else. But Angel continued in silence as if he should have nothing to do with her personal health.

"I don't want her to have anything to do with this." Angel's voice was stern about Fan. "Jared doesn't need her. He's better off without her. I can't see her being a grandmother. Not my child's grandmother."

Sal winced. Angel was putting him between a rock and hard place. "But.."

"I'm not giving her anything. Don't you dare talk to her."

Sal's eyes open wide. This couldn't be his daughter who he was listening to. What had pregnancy done to her?

He guessed he would let it go. After all, he had his writing to do. Maybe it was good to be alone and just focus on what he wanted plot in the novel he was writing online.. it was something he never told anyone about. It felt good they didn't know that side of him. He was just Dad to her.

He gave her another hug.

"Just be careful." She was still his little girl. She always would be.


  1. Great article. It's good tips for nice dad. I followed your blog now. Thx

  2. uy genial fragmento . Te mando un beso

  3. Daughters are always little girls for the dads!

  4. This is so wise and true: "Angel was off-limits and yet Jared was the one that would make them a family." Parents are always upset about their kids' unplanned pregnancies, but the grandchildren always end up bringing them even closer together. And in this case, with the issues between Angel and her dad, it rings even more true. I also love the part about Sal being a secret online novelist and how he likes no one knowing. Writing is definitely healing, which can be a very private thing.


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