Sunday, December 13, 2020

Is it too late, too late to open up?

 "What are you doing here so early?" Fan awoke to the smell of bacon and coffee. Someone had breakfast waiting and the vacuum was on.

"Just tidying up," Jared's smile was quick. 

"Did something  happen between you and Sal?" She asked as she got her coffee and poked a fork in her fried egg, which didn't run. He remembered she didn't like her eggs runny but she wasn't a fan of scrambled eggs either.

"No," he shook his head. "His daughter is here, I thought he might not want me around."

"Sal's got a daughter?" She looked shocked. Why didn't she know this? She was always talking about her kids, but she'd never left much room for him to mention his own.

"You didn't know?" Jared festered a perturbed look as if maybe she wasn't Sal's best friend. He was.

She ate her breakfast and he put the wet clothes in the dryer.

"Are you on something?" She asked a few minutes later. He was working so steady. Not prodding along like at the Senior Center. He didn't really warm up until two in the afternoon to do his little dance number with the old crowd.

"What? No." He looked at her as if she was the one out of her mind. Not him.

"I think you're up to something," Fan could sense it. He never really got busy with anything unless he wanted something in return. Out of all of her boys, he was the laziest. Jay was the one who always had a handle on the household and Jamie always did what was asked of him. They were neat and careful with their toys. While even at a young age, Jared could care less what happened to his stuff. Sometimes, he tore things up on purpose and would want Jay to fix it. He was the one who loved to curse and took pleasure in every naughty word in his vocabulary.

Unfortunately, she'd been the same way growing up. They were a lot of like. She wished something could make her want to do housework. Just what had happened to him.


  1. Replies
    1. me too..but I had a friend that never fried and egg and she told me..don't make the egg yolk run..I wasn't sure I would be able to do that...but it came out all right.

  2. uy esta muy interesante.veamos que pasa. Te mando un beso


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