Friday, December 3, 2021

Obviously Not


"What the hell is going on?" Jared was not in a good mood when he noticed that guy at Sal's. This was not supposed to be happening. What was Sal thinking? It wasn't even seven in the morning. And December too.

"What are you doing here, anyway?" Sal winced as if Jared wasn't just supposed to invite himself in, but of course, he still had a key. 

"We need some milk," he told him Angel was making something and it called for milk. Jared was just in his sweat pants and hoodie.

"Making something?" Oh, it would be like Sal to change the subject. Sal went to get the milk. Naturally, Sal was already in his work clothes ready to start the day.

"What is going on?" Did Sal have a woman, too? Jared sighed. This was not supposed to be happening. He liked his Sal to be living alone. These were strangers.

That Aaron guy was pouring himself a cup of coffee and ignoring him completely.

"It's just Aaron," Sal nodded. Donna was sent home.

"Yeah, I know." Jared made a face of disgust holding the jug of milk. He'd met Aaron once years ago. They were younger then and had nothing to say to each other. They had nothing to say to each other now. So what if their mothers were best friends. Of course, Jared tried to smile with a nod as he looked to Aaron, who of course did nothing. Mr. Emotionless.

"He's going to stay with me for a while." Sal shrugged. "He and his mom aren't getting along."

"Oh really?" Jared eyed Sal as if he were a fool of some kind. "Are you seeing her?"

Sal chuckled with a grin as if he'd never tell. He then sighed. "Oh yeah, I did mention it to your mother about the baby."

"What?" Now Jared was frantic. Didn't Sal know how hard it was to keep the peace between Angel and his mother?

"Look, it's doubtful she can put two and two together, these days. Looks as if she's quite busy with that new fellow of hers." Sal shrugged and went back to the food on the stove. Jared only moved closer.

"Oh, he's not new." Jared was certain they'd had something off and on for decades.

Sal only nodded. "Well, she knows. I didn't want to keep it from her." He kept busy with the scrambled eggs. Jared watched as he served Aaron breakfast.

"Don't you need to get back to Angel?" Sal finally looked up at him.

Jared sighed with a nod. Really, he didn't know where to start with Angel, but he knew she'd want a full report. He knew he'd end up making those biscuits she wanted from scratch.


  1. Pobre Jared. Buen fragmento te mando un beso

  2. Very nice chapter. I really love that while story going on in the post, chapter's heros share their recipes (in this post: scramble eggs and breakfast table and homemade biscuit). Time is night time here but i really want a breakfast that covers scramble eggs with butter, bread and a cup of hot tea right now. I think i will try it tomorrow.

    1. Oh, that does sound good. Just what do you put in your tea?

  3. Juggling Angel and his mom is def a full time job. :/


  4. Talk about your tense convos! First Aaron living at Sal's sets Jared off, then there's Sal telling Jared's mom about the baby. I don't blame Jared for being angry. But I also feel like Sal has good reasons for the things he does. Which makes me wonder: what's the beef between Jared and Aaron? Oh, Ellie, how you keep those plates spinning!

    1. LOL...Oh..we shall see where it goes with Aaron...=)

  5. Getting to be interesting now.
    Somebody help Jared.


  6. I hope she starts getting along with her mother. Unfortunately, not everyone gets along with their parents with age

  7. Oh, that Jared! I think he wasn't Sal all to himself. Hopefully, Angel isn't more than he can handle.

    1. WANTS I mean with Sal. I think he's in dire need of a Dad around.

  8. Uma boa conversa com uma boa comida!



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